Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Nine key Take away points when considering developing an APP


  • Ingredients for a successful app. Know who you’re building your app for. Understand trends in app stores to get a sense of what’s popular with users.
  • App funding. Before building your app, consider all existing costs and anticipate as many future ones as possible. This will steer you towards the type of funding you’ll need.
  • Building your app. Users love quick-to-open apps with high quality graphics. But regardless of polish, beta test your app with a small group of people willing to give honest feedback.
  • Choose the right business model. Choosing the right business model is one of the most important aspects of creating an app. It should be fully considered before you begin development work, and it should be complementary to the design. Changing business models after your app is released can mean significant extra development work and ultimately lead to a poor user experience.
  • Maximize revenue with ad mediation. Ad mediation is an essential tool for many developers. It enables more than one ad network to show ads in your app, creating competition for your ad space, and increasing revenue in the process.
  • Marketing your app. Browsing app stores is the most common ways users discover new apps. So invest time in your app store listing with a crisp description, great images and a video. Then focus on driving viral downloads of your app by getting great reviews and ratings.
  • Design for global users. Many users choose to uninstall an app they like because it’s not well localized. Don’t skimp on localizing an app because you won’t retain users. Do a great job and your app can have far broader appeal and earn you more income.
  • Optimize for success. Analytics data for your app is useless unless it helps you to take action and improve what you’re doing. Start out by knowing what data is most valuable for you then choose an analytics package that can give you the insights you need.
  • Innovate. There’s no easy way to ensure each of your ideas is a hit. But thinking logically about capitalizing on your user base can help; if your users like your current set of apps it would be a gamble to offer them something that’s radically different.

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